Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Let's Hear it For the Boys

Being a mother of a boy, I've discovered a few things for myself that I have only ever read about.  As he is only two, I know more and more are coming but for now, let's reflect on what is happening now.

1.  Boys are born thinking farts are funny.  Any rumble from down below triggers a multitude of giggles.  Once M farted so loudly at the kitchen table, it reverberated off of the wooden chair and actually startled J.  It may have been the only time J didn't think a fart was funny.

2.  The pull my finger game is fun at any age.  Just ask M.

3.  The penis pulling and scrotum squishing occurs immediately once the pants are off.  It doesn't matter if it's in the tub or sitting on the potty trying to pee.  The yanking happens.  And the peeing on the hand  happens.  Listen boys, it ain't ever going to fall off.  The morning salute also starts early.

4.  I'm not sure this encompasses all boys, but lately, J despises wearing any sort of sweatshirt, jacket, or coat.  You'd think I was trying to dip him into battery acid the way he wails and kicks.

5.  Their fascination and love of cars, trucks, airplanes, dump trucks, tow trucks, excavators, backhoes, helicopters, and transportation vehicles of any kind is profound.

6.  They love to hunt down bugs, watch them run around, and ferociously squash them with their bare hands.

7.  Consistently dirty fingernails, sand adhered to their scalp, and scraped knees is the norm.  The child would look a fool without these things.

8.  There is no sound decibel that is too loud.  Whether it be the TV or his own voice.  He is deaf to the volume.

9.  When my son raises his arms and looks at me with those deep blue eyes and in his perfect little voice says, "hug?", I will drop whatever it is I am doing and will scoop that little nugget up.  Even if it is when he is in the tub, sopping wet because I know, soon enough the eye rolling and the "you just don't understand, mom" and the "leave me alone, mom" will be upon me.  So far now, if that little boy asks for a hug, you bet your last red cent I'm giving that hug.

10.  Being called "Mama" is my favorite thing in the whole world.  And from his little voice.  I am putting in my request now that I shall always be called Mama and it shall always be done in that little voice.  Thank you.

11.  Little boys love their Mamas. Amen.

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