Friday, December 19, 2014

Deep Conversations

Does anyone want a glimpse into the deep conversations M and I have while sitting on the couch after a long day? The utter genius may astound you.


Me to M: You smell like cheese.

M: No, I don't.

Me: J smells like milk.

M: Ok.

Me: Maddux smells like Fritos.

M: Ok.

Me: I smell like strawberries.

M: (blank stare)

Me: I'm a pretty pony.

M: (in his head) Don't look it in the eyes.

M slowly turns his eyes away in fear that direct eye contact may incite more crazy.

I may be certifiable.

Come live in my shoes for a day and you just might be talking ragtime.

Let me know if you want to delve into more lunacy.  I've got plenty.

Monday, December 8, 2014

What My New Business Is All About

I wrote a previous post about my new business adventure on becoming a Consultant with Ava Anderson Non Toxic. Since then, I have been promoted and have already started growing my team with two new consultants. I now want you to know what this business is all about and why I joined and why this company and their mission is so important to me in more detail.

Ava Anderson Non Toxic is all about educating you on the harmful chemicals that are in our everyday products.  At 14, Ava Anderson was horrified to learn of the toxic chemicals in her beauty products so she took action and found manufacturers and researchers to develop the first truly safe and chemical free products on the market.  The terms “natural”, “pure”, and “safe” don’t mean a thing when they are on a label.  It’s “green-washing” and you can be smarter!

Some questions to think about:

Did you know that fragrance actually isn’t an ingredient but a term and manufacturers can include any ingredients within this listing?  Check out this link on why it is so important to go non-toxic and start being your own ingredient detective.

Do you know how many chemicals Europe bans versus the U.S?
Ø  Europe bans 1,371 while the U.S. only bans 11.  U.S. manufacturers must remove these ingredients on the products they export to Europe but are not required to do so in the ones they supply to their own citizens!

Do you know what our largest organ is?
Ø  It’s our skin.  When something is applied to our skin, it is almost immediately absorbed (in about 26 seconds) into our blood stream.  Dr. Samuel Epstein. former Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and author of the book "Toxic Beauty" stated that it is more dangerous to put something on our skin than it is to eat it!

Do you know how many chemicals the average man or woman has in their system?
Ø  Average man or woman has about 485 chemicals

Do you know how many chemicals the average woman has in her system before she even leaves the house in the morning?
Ø  More than 250!!!

Another interesting fact: The President’s Cancer Council stated that 10% of cancer is caused by hereditary factors while 90% is caused by environmental factors which includes the air we breathe, things we ingest, and products we apply to our skin.

Do you know of any friends or family that have a child with allergies, autism, ADHD, or hormone imbalances?  These all could be caused from toxic chemicals due to products applied to the skin while in the first or third trimesters of pregnancy.

It's all about the ingredients and being your own ingredient detective! Check out this list below and then go and grab your favorite product and I guarantee it includes AT LEAST one or two of these ingredients!

Shocking, right?  And for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, manufacturers are not required to disclose that this is a known carcinogen (a cancer causing substance)!

Please also note those listed as endocrine disruptors.

But now!  There is a solution! Ava Anderson Non Toxic provides a full line of safe and effective products for the entire family!

avaSKIN – the original collection!  All designed to work together.
avaFACE- Beautify your skin with safe, non-toxic cosmetics.
avaBABY- The very best and safest baby products!  Diaper cream is a best seller! Can be used on rashes, eczema, psoriasis, cuts, burns, and any skin irritation at all.
avaSUN and avaBUG – Non-nanoparticle sunscreen.  No deet bug spray.
avaPET – Our pets count too!  Leave your pet feeling silky and healthy.
avaMEN – Includes aftershave and shave gel.
avaSCENT- Essential oil blends with NO synthetic fragrances!
avaHAIR – Formulated with organic aloe as the base.  Also keeps our water supply clean!
avaBODY – Keep your whole body soft, moisturized, and healthy!  Deodorant too!
avaHOME – Safe for family, children, pets, and septic systems. Your kids can help you clean! J loves it and asks for the "cweaner" and I can let him!
avaCANDLE - There is peppermint, chai tea, and for a limited time through 12/31/2014, fir tree!  All made with organic coconut wax (no nasty, toxic parrafin wax here)! Feel good about burning those candles and breathing in the healthy scent!

All products are made with 100% certified organic ingredients.  They include essential oils, plant extracts, and all are completely natural – truly!

I am so in love with this company and the products they offer that I had to dedicate at least one blog post here to their message! Once J came along, I did start thinking about the products I was using on him and what I was letting him marinate in while in the bathtub. I am so thankful that I discovered Ava Anderson Non Toxic. J has now been completely transitioned over to these non toxic products and I even send sunscreen and diaper cream to his day care with him. M and I are getting there and I will say, my skin feels way better than it ever has.

There is so much research out there and I encourage you to go and find it and educate yourself.  The dangers are real and why not practice a precautionary principle at least? Once you know, you can never un-know.

Even still, the products are amazing and really do work!

If you would like any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me. This business has been life changing!

You may also visit my web page at  There is more information on the message, the products, hosting an avaHOUR, or joining this amazing company that is growing fast!

Like my Facebook page:

"We do not share this message about harmful and toxic chemicals to sell products, we created our products to share this message.” - Ava Anderson

Friday, December 5, 2014

Seasonal Reflection

Do you know what’s happened since last I wrote? A lot.

Do you know what I’ve been doing since I last wrote? A lot.

Do you know what’s going on with me and my family? A lot.

Do you see a theme?

Yeah, it’s been a little crazy between holidays, putting our townhouse on the market, rearing a two year old, tethering a dog, feeding a 36 year old, busting it out at my day job, and starting my new business.

But who isn’t busy? I’m preaching to the choir, I know.

But do you want to know what’s really been biting my brain lately? I was told at day care that J is the only child there that consistently says “Thank you.” This makes my chest swell with pride and makes my heart joyful. But it also disturbs me with the thoughts of are parents REALLY not teaching their children to be polite and respectful? M and I always make sure J is saying his please and thank yous when they are necessary. It’s actually pretty automatic. “Say thank you, Jackson.” How hard is that? And now, we don’t always need to remind him. Parents are the best teachers and examples for their children. How are children not learning these things? I know there is a generation gap out there where respect is gone and the sense of entitlement is raging. We need to all get back to the basic of manners and child rearing and teach our children etiquette, manners, respect, and how to be a good person.

I see kids and even parents out there expecting everything to be handed to them because the world owes them. The world owes us nothing. Everyone wants a bigger house, bigger toys, better cars, a pool, outrageous vacations, and piles of money. What ever happened with being grateful and happy with what you have? Once upon a time food, clothing, and a warm house was enough. Not today. Everyone expects diamonds and gold. Get real. If you want that, go out and work for it. Stop expecting it all to be handed to you. Get a job, bust your butt, and help yourself. While you’re at, go outside and play in the dirt and drink the hose water.

As Christmas approaches, we do not go overboard with gifts for J. We want him to understand the spirit and meaning of the holiday and that tons of gifts are not the norm. I don’t ever want him thinking he gets more and more and more. That’s not life. You don’t always get what you want, when you want, or how much you want. The spirit of the season is peace, giving, light, life, and love. And really, what more is needed?

From our homes to yours, have a blessed Christmas and remember the reason for the season.