Friday, August 29, 2014

Random Thoughts

This sign should be posted on my head.  It's a great example of the state of my brain at any given moment.  So is this previous ragtime post from A Homemade Kitchen.

This photo is also a great example of the stellar safety precautions in the area surrounding my work building.  I feel very safe.  Not only from myself but from the potential life threatening emergencies that could occur while I innocently work 9 floors up from this life saving device.  Thank you, Cambridge.

Running in the rain and splashing in puddles is delightful.  Especially when it includes the giggles and squeals of a two year old boy.

I have issues with pedestal sinks.  I realize their purpose is to be space saving and give the illusion of a bigger space but when I look at them I just think where the heck are you supposed to put your cleaners, toilet brush, extra toilet paper, extra hand towels, and other bathroom-y things you don't want to have out in the open? Oh yes, you can use baskets and open shelving for these things but do your guests really want to see your industrial sized tub of toilet scrub?  And if you put things in baskets, you basically just took up the space in the bathroom the pedestal sink was supposed to free up.  Maybe I'm lazy, I also don't want to go into another closet down the hall, or in the other room, or into the depths of a dank basement to get these things when I need them.  I want them there, now, and in my hands in a matter of seconds.

It irritates the living crap out of me when co-workers leave for the day or go on vacation and leave their cubicle lights on.  Like seriously.  Turn them off, you energy wasters.

I ran about 500 feet in flip flops and then had death darts shooting up my shins for a week.

Candy Crush Saga steals your soul.

Cilantro is the devil's food.

Calling chocolate chips 'potty treats' while in the store gives you confused and scathing looks from other shoppers.

My brain haunts me.  In the middle of the night, or while driving, or while sitting at my desk.  These thoughts are what develop into these blog posts.

You're a charmed reader, then, for willfully exposing yourself to my thoughts.

You are a smarter person for doing so.

Or dumber.

Or just as crazy.

Goodbye and shut your goose, clown.

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